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Teri Senn, PhD

Program Chief, Psychosocial Co-morbidities of HIV Prevention and Treatment

Primary email:
Primary phone: 301 761-7852


Mailing address

Division of AIDS Research, NIMH
5601 Fishers Lane
Room 9G29
Rockville, MD 20852
United States

Email Groups

MTN-025 Protocol Team (MTN-025)
MTN-025 Qualitative Team (MTN-025)
MTN-032 Publications Committee (MTN-032)
MTN-034 Management Calls (MTN-034)
MTN-034 Protocol Team (MTN-034)
MTN-036/IPM 047 Protocol Team (MTN-036/IPM 047)
MTN-042 Protocol Team (MTN-042)
MTN-043 Protocol Team (MTN-043)
MTN-045 Management Team (MTN-045)
MTN-045 Protocol Team (MTN-045)
MTN-045 Publications Committee (MTN-045)
MTN-045 Qualitative (MTN-045)


MTN-039 (NIMH Chief)
MTN-041 (NIMH Chief)
MTN-042 (NIMH Chief)
MTN-045 (NIMH Chief)