Craig Hendrix, MD
Pharmacology LC Director
Primary email:
Primary phone: +1 410 955-9707
Secondary Phone: +1 410 375-4418
Fax: +1 410 955-9708
Mailing address
Johns Hopkins University
600 North Wolfe Street
Harvey 502
Baltimore, MD 21287
United States
Shipping Address
Johns Hopkins University
600 North Wolfe Street
Harvey 502
Baltimore, MD 21287
United States
Email Groups
MTN in the News (Leadership and Operations Center)
MTN Leadership (Leadership and Operations Center)
MTN Protocol Update (Leadership and Operations Center)
MTN-042 Protocol Team (MTN-042)
MTN-001 (Protocol Chair)
MTN-002 (Investigator)
MTN-003 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-008 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-011 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-013/IPM 026 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-014 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-017 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-018 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-018B (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-018C (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-019 (BSWG Representative)
MTN-020 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-021 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-023/IPM 030 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-024/IPM 031 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-025 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-026 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-029/IPM 039 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-034 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-036/IPM 047 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-037 (Protocol Chair)
MTN-039 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
MTN-042 (MTN NL Pharmacology CORE PI)
RMP-02/MTN-006 (Laboratory Director)