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Connie Celum, MD, MPH

Co-Principal Investigator

Primary email:
Primary phone: +1 206 520-3824
Fax: +1 206 520-3831


Mailing address

University of Washington
ICRC, Department of Global Health
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359927
Seattle, WA 98104
United States

Shipping Address

University of Washington
ICRC, Department of Global Health
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359927
Seattle, WA 98104
United States

Email Groups


MTN-003 (Co-Principal Investigator)
MTN-016 (Co-Principal Investigator)
MTN-018 (Co-Principal Investigator)
MTN-018B (Co-Principal Investigator)
MTN-018C (Co-Principal Investigator)
MTN-034 (Protocol Co-Chair)